Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wow.....what a RIDE!!!

Hello to ALL! Long time NO post, eh?? Sorry!!!! It's been a BIT crazy.......awesome, but CRAYYYZZZEEEE!!! As you can see I FINALLY found a DRESS for Janet's wedding! PRAISE God!!! I thought it was going to be horrific....but everything was a BREEZE, and I can actually say, QUITE fun!! I am VERY happy with my choice, and so is Janet!! Funny, between HER and my Mom, they both kept telling me how THIS is a dress that I can wear AGAIN!!! OK....after the third time.....I told them...I WILL NOT WEAR IT AGAIN AS IT WILL BE HUGE!!! It is not my intention to EVER wear any of this life again!!!! HHAAAHHAAA!!!

OK...enough about that!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE???? Today I weighed in AGAIN.....and..........down 92.4!!! Holy cow...I can NOT even believe this!!! I was reading an old email to someone when I was at 57, and now I am at 92? Seems soooooo far away! This is ALL so AMAZING!!!

And FINALLY, I had my "moment" I have been waiting for FOREVER!!!! While working my folks garage sale, a lady asked me if I would take less for a nightlight. I was talking with her, and she said, "Do you go to Church, I mean my Church, I mean Christ Lutheran?" I told her I did. She said, "Are YOU the one who runs the entire VBS?". I told her yes. She then said, "Have you lost a TON of weight?". OK..this is where I heard the choir of Angles singing....FINALLY someone noticed!!! Finally someone I do NOT even know, NOTICED!! Of course, I have NOT been doing this for ANYONE but ME, but MAN did that feel GREAT!!!!!! It was an A-HA moment for sure!!!

Another thing I am experiencing is NOT hating myself in pictures...I actually am still freaked it's me now. It's THAT much of a change, it's fun to see! I still have a long way to go, and my skin and etc is HANGING with me (ugh...literally), but like my brother Ron told me...BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE!! Praise God to that!!! And a swim suit is NOT the scariest thing to be in ANYMORE...and the day I can comfortably wear a tank top, without wiping out ANYONE with my arms.....will be a DAY for me!!!

Now.....I have been going through a BUNCH of "axillary clothes", as I call them, from the past skinnier days, and I am exhausting these options more and more. I am ON the LAST bin.....it should get me through the rest of this summer and warmer fall!! The BEST part was trying on clothes from 92.4 pounds ago, and literally seeing how HUGE they are, and how LONG the pants and shirts are! To me, that was another A-HA moment! I am trying this stuff on, unzipping and unbuttoning...WHAT WAS I THINKING....I can fit TWO people in there now! Mind set is not there yet! I see why they say, the fat person is ALWAYS still inside!!!

Sandy, our choir director from Church, has lost OVER 70 pounds, and has slimmed up...I finally reamed into her a few weeks, BEGGING her for her old clothes! I promised I would only be in them for a month or so!!! And she delivered! So now I have some bottoms and some dressy shirts too!!! And she is a SHARP dresser too! So now I am REALLY examining her clothes...they could be my possible WINTER wardrobe!!!

I finally got back to the GYM yesterday, since my KNEE excursion!!! Did pretty well...took it easier, but the elliptical and I ARE friends...the BIKE and I may have to part ways for a while (sniff sniff)! Thank GOD for the brace I have...may need to get another for the OTHER knee......Sheeeeze...patch patch...PATCH!!!!

Let's see what else is happening.........my hair is slowly falling out...NOT BALDING.....but for me it seems a LOT!!! So I have been using special shampoos and conditioners for it, and I am gonna say...ROGAINE and I started becoming friends!!! It wont last forever, so I Will go with the punches for now! You would NEVER know if you looked at me...thank GOD I have ALWAYS had a BIT of BIG hair syndrome......gotta keep it ALIVE!!! Hahhhaaaaa.......

I see the Doc on the 8th of September for follow-up! This is considered the THREE month check up!!! It will almost be four months by then, but we JUST missed the cut-off, for our group, as they try to schedule our appointments around a support class. It's insane......it would be awesome to HIT 100 when I go in there!! Two weeks...hmmmmm....probably!!!

Well...I know there is more I could write......but I can't remember ALL I wanted to. So in between blogs, I shall start writing my thoughts down!!! Oh, and as far as the FOOD thing goes....it IS getting better! Still comes and goes, and I still have days where I feel BEYOND nauseated by ANY food!!! But I am getting better. The more I eat, the better my metabolism is as well, which has helped! I am NOT starving myself or my BODY! I only bite off as much as I can chew...LITERALLY!!!!

OK......that's all the updates now!!! Morgan's school schedule and evening High School meetings for us ALL week......and then there is that special kindergartner...HE starts THURSDAY! What a WEEK!

Thanks for ALL your love, support and PRAYERS! I can FEEL them ALL!!!

Love and God's RICHEST Blessings to you,
