Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Got THE CALL!!!!

Sooooo.....just over an hour ago I received THE CALL!! I feel like I just won free tickets to a concert on the radio! LOL.....but I got THE CALL about what time I am coming in for surgery! YEAH BABY bring IT on! I am soooooo excited! I am the FIRST surgery of the morning, so I am SOOOOO excited! 7:30 am, be at the hospital at 6:00!

Wow, the day is almost here and I am just soooo darn happy! I have to say, I wasn't going to step on a scale, but I did at my friends house (it was in the bathroom!) and I have lost 11 pounds already!!!!!! Yippppeeeee yi yay!!! I knew the jeans were smaller, the rings bigger, and my ankles are ANKLES no more swollen feet! Not to mention that I FINALLY feel like myself again...except BETTER! I am soooooo ready for this!!!!

And last night at our prayer group, I had a group of ladies praying JUST for me.....around me...holding me....praying for the doctors and anaesthesiologists.......all of that and healing....well it was AMAZING! I have EVER slept so well in MY life last night!

So....people around me are excited for me, and it is sooooo cool! Thank you all soooooo much!

Now, I have Tag Days this weekend still stressing me out and keeping me from thinking about Monday, but LEANNE is coming in Saturday to stay for the week, and that is AWESOME (we are gonna get her TAGGIN too!)! So there is just SOOOOOO much to be thankful for today!!!

Like EVERY day...right!

Love and God's RICHEST Blessings to you,


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