Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh my I am slacking!!!

OK...seriously I have NO time due to is a quick update! Been over 4 weeks now.....I have lost 48.4 pounds! I have gotten into some new clothes, that I just HAPPENED to have in my closest that I have NEVER worn...TAGS still on!!! I also was given some clothes from one of my new friends from our support that was FUN!!! New swimsuits, shorts, Capri's, shirts.....AWESOME!!!

Today we are getting Mo from her trip to Colorado!! Sooooo exciting!!

All for now.......VBS is ruling THIS girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Love and God's RICHEST Blessings to you, Linda
I promise next week to show before pics

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Come's only been THREE weeks???

Hello to all!!!!! Hmmmmm.....been just over three weeks since I came home from the hospital. This seems insane to think it's ONLY been THAT long??? This seems like it was MONTHS ago! Sooooo weird!!! I DID hit 44 pounds Sunday, but haven't weighed myself again...I am sure it IS more!!! Crazy!

I have had a couple weird stuff happen to me! First of all, I have had INSOMNIA sooo bad! It's the weirdest thing! I can pass out watching some TV about 12:00am, and be DEAD asleep...about 2:00 or 3:00 WIDE awake!!! This has REALLY had me catch up on some fun movies, and a LOT of Three's Company and MASH episodes on TV land!!! It's just so weird......and I WILL stay awake all day too!!!

The other WEIRD thing since a WEEK ago Sunday, is my shoulder and back joints have been killing me! I literally was OUT of commission Monday - Friday with my right shoulder unable to move my arm up and down...that subsided a bit and worked it's way out by Saturday. Sunday the exact pain was in my LEFT shoulder and STILL is CRAZY!! So I am heat "padding" it up when I can, and heat "rubbing" it all day. It is eventually gonna be better, but it's cramping my style for sure! I can't even wear a regular bra, so I have been UNIboobing it all week...sorry if too much info!!! See....when I started driving last week, I was being so careful getting in and out of the van so I didn't hurt my insides and incisions, so I was PULLING myself up and in with my right shoulder, which makes sense why it was hurting. Then my left shoulder is probably bad because I have been LIVING on my computer for 10 - 12 hours at a time getting ready for VBS, and I sit at my dining room table to do it! So...THIS is the dilemma THIS week....I just want to feel OK again....because otherwise I am feeling great!!!

I have been able to eat two meals a day (2 OZ meat a sitting), which is soooooo difficult! The smell of food still nauseates me STILL, but I have found a few chosen foods that I can handle. ONLY eating meat, for right now IS extremely difficult! You want something else for your palate......and chewing your food until it becomes a different takes a LOT away from things!! Baby steps....due time, DUE time!!!

We had FOUR graduations in our family in ONE week too! Tim's nephew Ethan from HS; Brittany from College; Haley from HS and Justin from HS (also Luke, he's like a nephew to us)! So it has been an EXCITING week!!! I had no current picture so I used the one with Justin...MAN I LOVE that KID!!! I love them ALL!!

I had a wild thing happen this weekend......well, first of all it was a GREAT weekend! I was able to work on VBS for FOUR days with NO interruptions or places to go. I missed out on the wonderful weekend weather, but I was able to put myself in an organized way and not in a PANIC for the weeks to come (as much anyway)! My family (including my Dad) all helped with the weeding, and cutting back flowers an pulling out things etc...the yard looks soooo nice...what a wonderful gift! On Saturday, Tim and I celebrated our 18th anniversary (together for 23)...well we haven't "celebrated" it in a while, as it typically falls on memorial day and we just want to be with our family. The funny thing is, I just kept convincing everyone that Monday was the 30th, NOT Sunday....I WAS soooo wrong! That night about 7:00, we were invited to Ron's house for an evening swim. I finished my work for the day, Tim was spent from the day, and Mo was off somewhere. So Dylan, Tim and myself went to Ron's with a steak and potato dinner.......AND a SWIM! It was great to get out and that water was JUST what I needed for this healing body! The funny thing was, Ron NEVER remembered it was our anniversary, but talked about HIS!!! Soooo funny! we returned from his house, about 10:30 to ours, I noticed a BIG BLACK GARBAGE bag on our doorstep!!! I immediately was freaking out wondering what it could be. Tim comes in about 10 minutes later with it and says...It's 4 bags of potatoes.....I am like...."WHAT? GROSS? WHO THE HECK WOULD LEAVE POTATOES IN A BAG LIKE THAT? GROSS...THROW THEM AWAY I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM...YUCK!!!". Well, about TEN minutes later, he tells me there is a NOTE inside. I am less freaked now, but still wondering. It was from our wonderful friends, Bobbi and Paul. We have a LONG running joke on potatoes so I was seeing the connection, except, it was NOT what I thought! Inside she writes "just wanted to congratulate you on how great you are doing, I read your blog, and wanted you to SEE what 40 POUNDS looks like"!!! Is that GREAT or what??? Oh my word......they live 1/2 an hour away and drove all the way to drop them off to prove a point! AMAZING...that made my day! 80 pounds, we are gonna have one hell of a baked potato party!!! Get ready Bobbi and Paul!!!

We also had BOTH of our cars DIE this that has been expensive as well as UNPLEASANT!!! Tim's transmission (cha ching), and mine needed and extensive TUNE UP with lots of new parts and etc...(cha ching), but hopefully we will have them back soon and be up and running again!!! The FUN never stops!!

My friends are starting to call me the incredible shrinking's GREAT! I feel great and LOVE what I am seeing (and the clothes that keep getting too big)! I ask you please keep me in your prayers for continued healing; patience and strength! It's a new life......and it is NOT easy, but God has blessed me with all I have so far and continues to do so, especially with ALL of you on my side! I LOVE you all!

Oh, and I promised my friend I would put current before and current now pictures up, but I am in my nightgown and don't want my NOW to be TRACY, I will post NEXT week!!

Have a GREAT rest of your week....stay DRY!!

Love you all.....

Love and God's RICHEST Blessings to you,


Thanks sooooo much for your continued love and support...I feel like a QUEEN sometimes!!