Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh My WORD!!!!!! Hello to you!!! What an awesome 4 weeks I have had!! FIRST OF ALL...............drum roll please...........67.2 pounds lost in 9 1/2 weeks??? WOWOOWOOWW!!

The transformation is still intense! People ARE noticing.....but I am STILL getting the "pretty make-up"; "new hair do"; "unemployment must be agreeing with you, you look so rested"....BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! Some of my family sides haven't commented.....well except for the hair, make-up, rested, lines!!! I don't care...I see it and it is GREAT!

I had to sign BACK up at the gym again....need the WHOLE package with equipment AND has made a difference already as well! Clothes that I was wearing three weeks ago, are already too's actually becoming a bit aggravating (if you can believe that)!!! What a great problem huh? I just want to make sure I still have clothes to wear for the rest of summer into September!!

I have been going through BINS of clothes I have NOT seen in five or more years!! There's beautiful clothes, some STILL with TAGS!!! Wot It is FREE shopping spree for me....very fun!!!

So VBS is done, and all went AMAZING!!! What a rough long six months, but it is ALL worth it!! The kids next year are going to think they have a new DIRECTOR next year, I CERTAINLY will NOT look the same as I did THIS year!!!!!

The past two weeks I have been reconnecting with my kids! It has been a Dylan Day almost EVERY day, which has been fun! I missed out on all the spring weather and fun outside with him and Tim, so this has been awesome for US!! Mo and I even spent some time together, which is hard with her crazed schedule!!! We have enjoyed Ron's pool very much..........a tan I finally HAVE!!! I was the WHITEST one in church!!! An old tight swimsuit that was used a few times has been re found and adjusted to fit that has been GREAT!!

I am STILL having food issues....and my DOC assured me it will go away! It's that NAUSEATED feeling I get thinking or SMELLING is HORRIBLE! He said some people NEVER get this, and a lot do...could last through 6 months but it WILL go away! He is VERY happy with my progress thus far!!! I CAN get down my mom's homemade spaghetti sauce...believe it or not...needs to make more of that! AWESOME!!! Cheese curds have been a help too.........and cukes and watermelon I am LOVING..and salsa with light chips (but no protein there)!

So.....all in all, not a BAD 9 weeks huh? Dropped what....5-6 sizes??? The seat of the car is soooo much further up, Dylan said "you musta cleaned your car out, because I have so much room for my legs now"! Crossing my legs (like a man OR a woman) is nice!!! Tying my shoes without having them up in the air as I couldn't reach them...NICE!!! My self esteem to speak to people, ANY people, has increased, as well as the confidence I have in myself....EVERY WHERE I GO! I don't feel people are starring at me!! It is INSANE!!! The list will go on and on.....

Now I have to watch this protein situation, as my hair WILL start falling out and thinning, so I have started some precautionary measures to help that decrease as much as possible. Plus my DOC said I can take two protein shakes a day for 30 grams of the protein, but that's hard too!!1 I also have come to the conclusion that when I go two days or more without the POTASSIUM drink, it DOES affect my I have been VERY strict with that one!

Ok....enough for now......feeling great, feeling less and looking ahead!!! Thank you all for your love and IS what really keeps me going! I am SOOOOO blessed!!!!

Love and God's RICHEST Blessings to you,


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