Monday, May 17, 2010

It's been a week......27????

Goooooooooodddddd Morning!!!!

WOWOW....this week has been a TRIP!!! Every day has been DIFFERENT, every day has been BETTER, every day has been a BLESSING!!! It's hard to believe it is ALL over...I mean intense to wrap my head around that! THIS IS HARD for SURE.....but man, I would rather be concentrating the rest of my life on food that's going to make me HEALTHY and live, than the food that was creating me NOT TOO!!! So this task I am HAPPY to endure for the rest of my life!!!! Especially everyday I see the scale drop, and drop, and DROP!

Wow......seriously??? THIS IS REALITY!!! HOW AWESOME!!!

I have NoT weighed myself today, but I have LOST 27 pounds in three weeks!!! What a trip! say this is hard for me is bitter sweet.........seeing those numbers fall, I know will FAR out weigh (no pun intended) the rest of the issues!!! And it IS hard, but I am sooooo excited, I am seeing changes in soooooo many ways already! I AM BLESSED!

So..........a week since surgery and I am gonna say it....STILL ON VICCADIN, and if ANY of you REALLY know me, you will know I do NOT like taking drugs, but I feel I still need it! So at the risk of being miserable and making everyone else miserable....GIVE THEM TO ME!!!

I am healing nicely and am still pretty sore.....guess disconnecting your stomach and making a new one, PLUS hernia surgery, can lead to a bit to pain and healing! But overall I am eating blended up foods and it is wonderful (never thought in a million years I would say that!)!!! I know crazy, but it is nice to have the TASTE of the food, even though the consistency is not there! Next weekend we trek down to Tim's family, as his nephew is graduating High School. New temptations, new experiences.....but I will be able to eat REAL food of protein by Saturday, so that will help me in a social setting!

Ok...well...raining here today! My folks have Dylan for the day, and I am going to focus on my email collection so I can clean it up and keep forging ahead on VBS! Baby steps Linda...remember Baby steps!!!

Wish me luck! Nah.......I don't need any of that!

Love and God's RICHEST Blessings to you,



  1. This is such an awesome place! I love reading how well you are doing-even though I talk to you daily-it is so wonderful to see it written in words too! I love you!!!!!

  2. Thank you so much for including me on this site. I love to see how you are doing daily. We are all blessed to have you in our lives. Love you.
